Category Archives: Bike tour

Diamond Lake to Prospect via Crater Lake: 61 miles

David: The rain pattered on the roof overnight making me glad that we were not camping. However the lack of soundproofing kept me awake a bit. We were in bed by 8.30, and lots of books get read on this trip!We started along the lake and then began the climb up to Crater Lake starting at 5,250 feet (so higher than anywhere in the UK). Continue reading Diamond Lake to Prospect via Crater Lake: 61 miles

Day 8: Ingalls Creek to Ellenburgh Jazz

Day 8:  46 miles

A 5.30 alarm woke us from our best sleep yet – probably because it was cooler and the first night I actually cuddled into the sleeping bag. We were packed up and off by 6.30 and straight into uphill.  Even at that time there was a fair amount of traffic on the main road but after 6  miles we were able to turn off onto the old Blewett Pass road.

Continue reading Day 8: Ingalls Creek to Ellenburgh Jazz